Our Blog


The Milestone of Downsizing Your House. Is It Also Downsizing Your Health?

Erin Marsh | April 01, 2021

Downsizing your house. It is a milestone in life. The kids have moved out, your career is reaching view of the horizon, you know...

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Regaining Use of Your Body After Injury - Our Bodies are Amazingly Resilient, and Strong!

Regaining Use of Your Body After Injury - Our Bodies are Amazingly Resilient, and Strong!

Erin Marsh | December 03, 2020

When we have pain onset, or an injury occurs, often the pain and healing response takes some time. Time to allow us to feel...

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Range of Motion: Does How Far I Can Move Really Matter?

Range of Motion: Does How Far I Can Move Really Matter?

Erin Marsh | November 02, 2020

When you see a Physiotherapist or Athletic Therapist, there are several things that happen to help you determine a plan for the type of...

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Getting Back to Organized Sport and Activities after COVID-19 Down Time

Getting Back to Organized Sport and Activities after COVID-19 Down Time

Matt Okrainec | August 04, 2020

If it has been a while since participating in your favorite sport or activity, or simply having a lower activity level, there is good...

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Why is my Physiotherapist Getting Me do Core Exercises for My Foot Injury?

Why is my Physiotherapist Getting Me do Core Exercises for My Foot Injury?

Erin Marsh | July 01, 2020

Once we clarify what "CORE" means, it might become more clear. Our core is what keeps us centred, so our limbs can move. Think...

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Meet the Staff

Taylor's Trip to Zambia - 2020

Taylor's Trip to Zambia - 2020

Taylor Goedhart, PT | April 06, 2020

Taylor’s Trip to ZAMBIA – 2020

I recently had the opportunity to travel to Zambia, Africa with a group of fellow Canadians. Our trip...

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The Spectrum of Physiotherapy: Where can it help you?

The Spectrum of Physiotherapy: Where can it help you?

Taylor Goedhart, Physiotherapist | June 18, 2019

Orthopedic physiotherapy is probably the kind of physiotherapy that comes to mind when you think of seeing someone for an injury. Did you know...

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Bruce Stewart, Owner and Physiotherapist, GLA:D Osteoarthritis Coordinator

Osteoarthritis and Increasing Quality of Life with the Alter-G Anti-Gravity Treadmill

Bruce Stewart | May 15, 2019

What is OA?

Osteoarthtritis (OA) is only one type of arthritis. This type is a degenerative condition that commonly affects the hip and knee. This...

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3D Gait Vicon Cameras

Do You “Walk the Walk?” - How 3D Gait Analysis Could Help YOU!

Bruce Stewart | May 12, 2019

Have you ever wondered if your body is compensating when you walk or run and if these errors are wearing down your body? Do...

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Injury Prevention is the Answer - Youth Sport Programming

AnneE Dalziel | February 07, 2019

When you hear the words “physical therapist,” or "athletic therapy" you most likely picture a few or all of the following images: athletic tape, bandages,...

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The Importance of Off-Season Strength Training for Runners

Bruce Stewart | January 04, 2019

You hear as a runner, that we need to start adding some strength training. Maybe because it will make you a faster runner, maybe...

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